We have a number of miscellaneous projects that assist these people in their daily lives.

The most practical sole for footwear is old tires. Onto this rubber sole is sewn leather straps. This requires a special sewing machine. These sandals are for the use of villagers and are also for sale or barter.
HEAVY DUTY SEWING MACHINE ...............$400

Sewing machines enable a family to make and mend clothing. Hand-crank machines transform families from poverty to independence. Recipients receive training in how to use the machine.
SEWING MACHINE (HAND CRANK) ...................$95

Seeing is believing. But if you can’t see, hope for a better life in the future vanishes. Eyeglasses properly fitted can raise the hope of even the poorest of poor.

Workers need tools. This kit includes hammers, saws, chisels, and misc.
CONSTRUCTION WORKER TOOL KIT.........................$250

Villagers now use a wooden pole to scratch a furrow in the soil. A steel plow turns soil over more efficiently and with less effort.
STEEL PLOW.....................$110

With wool from sheep, llamas, and alpaca, village women weave material for clothing and blankets. They possess a wonderful appreciation for vivid colors, but often don’t have a loom on which to weave.
WEAVING LOOM ................$580

Cooking inside the home over an open fire causes people to breathe deadly fumes and contributes to life expectancy in the low 40’s. A simple stove with a chimney eliminates harmful smoke and vapors.
SMOKELESS STOVE ............$150