A variety of large animals can survive and make enormous contributions to the well-being of the villagers. The offspring from these animals is immediately given to others in the village. These are truly gifts that keep on giving.
An ox can plow through terrain that would stop many tractors. Narrow terraces and steep terrains are a natural fit. Oxen produce milk and their manure fertilizes crops.
ONE OX ........................$750
PAIR OF OXEN .............$1,400
A cow provides milk that helps malnourished infants grow into healthy children and teenagers. The sale of surplus milk earns money to support a family.
MILK COW OR BULL .........$650
Llamas/alpaca provide transportation and wool used for making blankets, ponchos, carpet and rope. Remarkably disease resistant, llamas and alpacas require little care and survive in high altitudes.
LLAMA/ALPACA ..............$350
Goats thrive in extreme climates and on hilly terrain. They supply quarts of milk each day that villagers make into cheese, butter or yogurt.
Sheep provide both wool and meat. They adapt well to hilly, rocky pastures.
SHEEP ..........................$215
Pigs require little space and survive on crop and garden by-product scraps. They provide desperately needed protein and their offspring (often 16 piglets per year) can be sold or traded.
PIG ..............................$125